Are you ready for a lifetime plan for your family to stay strong and close so it will sustain you through all the busy seasons?
Hi, Friend!
With four children of my own, First Grade to High School, we are running EVERYWHERE. We don’t have dinner 7 nights a week together (Oh, how I miss those days!) and having all six of us together, as you know, requires a lot more intention.
That is exactly why you and I sit here together - Because we both want to know that drowning in the busyness as our kids grow won’t crush our family; that our failure to be able to sit all together every day won’t be the regret that stings us; that we’ll get to the end and know that we figured out a way to win at family values, and faith, and strong communication EVEN when the schedules made it feel impossible.
Years ago, as we looked at our young children and anxiously anticipated the years ahead and what busyness could do to our family, we knew, that besides a strong faith, the answer was to commit to strong communication and the best place to find that, nurture it, and have a plan for every other area of our lives was at our Dinner Table.
So we made a promise to that Family Dinner Table like a Covenant. And it has served our family in such incredible ways….But reality is: there are many days we can’t meet there. Then what? How do we know we can stay strong in our faith and in our bond to one another and as a team? Our family’s secret has come in learning how to gather MOMENTS. And it’s become our way of life.
It’s a Framework that means we never have to wonder whether our children will come to us over the years because we already know our communication is solid and open. It means we are confident our children are growing up knowing what they stand for and that they have a solid foundation of faith.
If you are willing to see exactly why the Family Connection Framework is THE answer for your family, too, and you are ready to have ONE plan to carry through all your years ahead, then come along friend! Let’s grow!
Over 3 hours of audio content PLUS 37 carefully developed PDFs & reflection activities!
Build your Family Connection Framework with a plan that is FUN, INTENTIONAL, REALISTIC, & WORKS!
*We recommend using a 1 inch binder to stay organized as you build your Framework through this course and for easy reference as your family grows.