EP 22 | “How beautiful Jesus must find the mother seeking Him in the chaos.” With AUDRA HANEY, The 5 Minute Mom Podcast
This episode is so SO good that I just decide to take notes as if I were listening to it for the first time. So here’s all my bullet points. I hope you love this interview with Audra as much as I did and that you walk away feeling way more than ENOUGH in who God has prepared you to be as “MOM” and leader of your family.
And for more of Audra’s incredible wisdom in larger doses :) check out her podcast, The 5 Minute Mom Podcast and her website audrahaney.com.
He’s going to use the broken things in my life that he redeems and feed the multitudes.
When there is life, and work, and purpose, and harvesting there is a mess sometimes
You need cheerleaders in your life and you need slow adapters who will think through everything with you.
Take inventory on who is speaking into your life in real life and on an online level.
If we are talking about surrounding ourselves with people who make us better, it is a constant audit we have to do in our families and ourselves.
We’ll become the average of those things so what are we letting in?
Who do you have in your life that are filling you back up?
If we’re constantly on empty and navigating relationships that deplete us, that is really hard.
Whatever the Lord has called you to, what is your metric for success in that?
Chasing numbers is a recipe for burnout.
If we’re going to run our race and keep the faith, establish early on “what does true success in the kingdom look like for me”.
Our very first ministry is our home.
Changing our metric for success involves intimately knowing the voice of the Lord. There are so many voices and opinions and we must pursue him and grow in him.
James 1:5 “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God who will give wisdom without finding fault.”
Work from the approval of God and not FOR the approval of God or the world.
Hear from Him first so we can weed out all this noise.
Even Mary had to wait to see the fruits of her “YES”.
He doesn’t lay out a 10 year plan, but he will give you a “next step”.
Just invite him long with you as you parent.
Change our mindset to invite him along with us as we parent.
Jesus just wants to do life with us.
What a Holy ground to know the Lord wants to come into our homes.
“…How beautiful Jesus must find a parent seeking Him in the chaos and what a daily , eternal example this must be for little ones coming behind.” Audra Haney