EP 68 | How to raise STRONG daughters with positive examples of love and faith. With LINSEY DRISKILL, Author

“When that’s what’s driving our hearts, then you’re drawn to other hearts that are similar.”

Linsey discussing “practical ways to develop hearts that love wisdom.”

When Linsey watched her daughters fall asleep one night, she was overcome with the same desires all of us moms have for our children: Who are their examples of humility and love and faith? What are they learning from the world around them about courage and confidence? What if they could learn these things from a place of TRUTH & VIRTUE? Linsey knew the answer: it lied in her daughters knowing the women of the Bible who loved God and loved others.

This is when her prayers turned to a calling and Linsey created Beautiful Hearted Women of the Bible, a 40-week, creative, hands-on, and PRACTICAL devotional for mothers to do with their daughters ages 6-10. You are going to be so inspired by Linsey’s heart and her passion for raising strong daughters who grow to become Beautiful Hearted Women.

Connect with Linsey at LinseyDriskill.com

Purchase your very own Beautiful Hearted Women of the Bible at ChristianBooks.com, Barnes and Noble, Amazon, Books a Million and more places found at LinseyDriskill.com

@BeautifulHeartedParenting on Instagram

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  • Using this devotional with your daughter is more of an experience together than just a thing to do and a thing to read.

  • Beautiful Hearted Women of the Bible is made especially for girls ages 6-10, but can be easily adapted for your older daughters, too.

  • “It was so important for me to reach this age group and not gloss over it. It’s the age when they’re still coming to us [to seek and accept our advice].”

  • Beautiful Hearted Women of the Bible is a creative, hands-on 40-week devotional where each devotion features a woman of the Bible who served God with her words and actions. The examples of these devoted women will strengthen the faith of moms and daughters and inspire them to develop beautiful hearts of strength courage, and love. Daughters will look up to these Bible women - who will ultimately point them to Jesus.

  • The point is to connect with each other and connect with the Lord.

  • Choosing Jesus is a decision and we need to keep seeking and being intentional to keep growing.

  • “One of the biggest reasons I wanted to write this was to get away from the superficiality, to show my kids to focus on inner beauty and focusing on the heart. My dad always taught me the heart is what matters the most.”

  • When growing in wisdom is what’s driving our hearts, then that’s what we are drawn to.

  • Linsey’s Beautiful Hearted Women of the Bible Devotional reaches beyond the mind to the heart. It’s a way for moms to encourage their daughters to be difference-makers for Jesus who will go into the world and love God and others with heart, soul, mind, and strength.

  • You don’t feel as alone when you read about these women and when you read about them together with your daughter.

Final Togather™ Thought…

In what ways are you making a daily effort to teach your children to love wisdom, to seek positive examples, and to have a humble heart?

What could you add to your day to bring more of these fruits to your family?

Families That Stick Togather Podcast

Real families cheering each other on in real life. Let’s grow, friend.



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