EP 80 | BRAVE MOMS SERIES: A sister of an addict Anger, Brokenness, Why love NEVER fails. With BRITTANY YOUNG

“The only way I’m going to survive this is finding beauty in the ashes, and that beauty is God.”

Addiction doesn’t discriminate. It does, however, have the ability to consume everyone affected - the addict, the family, the friends. This Togather™ Brave Moms series is about Brittany Young’s journey as the sister of an addict - her story of finding a deeper relationship with Jesus, a deeper understanding of her brother’s battlefield, and a deeper love for the broken. Brittany’s story is one of faith, hope, and love, and it will leave you with a new perspective we should all be so lucky to have the opportunity to see.

Let’s Grow!

Connect with Brittany here on INSTAGRAM.

Visit her blog A Sister of an Addict HERE.

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  • Addiction doesn’t discriminate.

  • Families suffer from anger and it can be all-consuming. It is difficult to wrestle with the thought of how the person with the addiction can choose this.

  • God never stops pursuing us. When we won’t reach out to him, he never stops seeking us.

  • The “aha moment” was when Brittany realized how very broken her brother must be. That he was NOT choosing this and that “addiction must be that powerful that someone could walk away from unconditional love just to feel a moment of [what they think is] normal.” We are ALL deserving of love.

  • Our battle is not over. Anger can easily come back when we allow it. You just have to “love harder on the hardest days”.

  • Worship God with obedience in where he is leading you. “When you allow God to take the lead, it opens you up to be better in the roles that you’re responsible for.” It’s why you truly can be a BRAVE MOM when you think you are not capable.

  • “There’s this misconception when we want to feel peace that we only feel it in the absence of something, but true peace is felt in the presence of someONE and that is Jesus. My prayer every night is God, hold my hand. I felt braver holding onto God’s hand.”

  • “The only way I’m going to survive this is by finding beauty in the ashes and that beauty is God.”

  • “Love is so simple yet I feel like it’s the most powerful emotion we possess and the most powerful gift we can give.”

Final Togather™ Thought…

In what ways can you change your perspective on someone you tend to misunderstand?

Think about the obstacles that stand in the way of you being able to “love harder on the hardest days”. How can you change those to make that love happen?

Families That Stick Togather Podcast

Real families cheering each other on in real life. Let’s grow, friend.



EP 82 | Togather Armor: Speaking compliments. Often, simple, and build siblings stronger. Moms love this!!!


EP 79 | BRAVE MOMS SERIES: Alcohol addiction, how to help a battling friend, and HOPE. With REBECCA KENT