EP 52 | Strong moms raise STRONG, CONFIDENT daughters. Here’s how. With LAURA ORLANDO, Gracious Adventures


In today’s world, we cannot afford to NOT raise strong, confident daughters.

How do we make it happen? Do we just assume they'll figure it out? We teach them to be brave, to be okay with feeling uncomfortable, to try new things. And we do it all BY HER SIDE. Strong moms raise strong, confident daughters and Laura Orlando is here to share practical tips to do it in our real-life. Using her experience with her Gracious Adventures Bucket List and advice from her own story growing up and now raising a 13 year old daughter, you will leave this episode with life-changing things to try today!

Let's grow!

Connect with Laura at GraciousAdventures.com

@graciousadventures on Instagram and Facebook

Download your FREE Confidence building activities HERE including the Adventure Bucket List!


  • A quick way to start the conversation with our daughter is to have her write down her strengths and values. This will be an easy way to see what matters and what lights her up.

  • We always tell our kids “be you, be who you are, but they don’t even know who they are right now.” We need to guide them and stand by their side to make it easier.

  • How do we recognize if our daughters have a negative or positive attitude toward confidence?

    • How does she tackle new things? Is she afraid to fail?

    • Does she care a lot about what others think?

    • Is she always saying “I’m sorry” and trying to please others?

    • Does she stand up for herself?

    • Is it easy for her to tell you what she wants “in life”?

  • Tips for building confidence in our daughters: Repeat affirmations. Have them say it over and OVER. They need to believe it themselves. Join them for an activity they enjoy even if you don’t. Simply being together for something she enjoys will make conversation easier.

    (Purchase any Affirmation Cards for Teens, Tweens, and Moms from Gracious Adventures HERE!)

  • A fantastic idea to keep your relationship strong is to create an Adventure Bucket List!!! Write down all the things you want to do together and make a plan to make it happen.

  • Benefits of doing new things together: builds courage, builds confidence, builds trust, builds communication

Final Togather™ Thought…

Think back…If someone had highlighted what they thought your strengths were and planted those seeds for you, do you think that would have changed your path?

Families That Stick Togather Podcast

Real families cheering each other on in real life. Let’s grow, friend.



EP 56 | The 6 things we should pay attention to - because our FAMILY will become the AVERAGE of all these.


EP 51 | Togather Armor: You are WORTHY. Remind our children over and OVER of THAT.