EP 103 | Say Goodbye to Morning and Evening Chaos and CREATE ROUTINES THAT WORK! Effortless Habits, Less Stress, More Intention. With LAUREN WHITE, Intentional Edit Podcast

“Our habits set the tone for our day and really for our lives…end goal is for them to become effortless.”

Ever feel like you have a fantastic family dinner and then evening is where it falls apart? Or your morning is chaos because you know you need a better system, but you just haven't figured out the habits that stick? Lauren White is here from The Intentional Edit Podcast to share her SIMPLE steps to create routines that work to bring less stress and more intention to your home so you can spend time creating more of the meaningful moments that you really want.

Let's grow,


Connect with LAUREN WHITE HERE on Instagram

Listen to Lauren's Podcast The Intentional Edit HERE

Learn more about Lauren's Organization Coaching at IntentionalEdit.com

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  • Getting organized and staying that way begins with ruthless decluttering/editing and living intentionally.

  • A lot of our habits are hindering us more than helping us.

  • Our habits set the tone for the day and really our lives. Our end goal is to create effortless habits.

  • Good systems are created with intention and take the place of old habits that aren’t working. They allow our families to have that quality time and meaningful moments together.

  • Stages and phases of life change quickly as our kids grow up. With good systems in place, you can easily make little changes that continue working as the needs of your family change.

  • Write down the steps to make your new routine successful and then do it for two weeks.

  • What distracts you the most from accomplishing your goals?

    • Most of the time this is our habits.

    • Your family goal should be to get to the point of HEALTHY habits.

Final Togather™ Thought…

Go slow when implementing change. Make small goals that are realistic for your family and keep it simple.

When our systems work FOR our family, they truly do help create an environment that is the best for nurturing meaningful, quality moments. As a family, discuss some solutions that will help fix an area of your day that feels stressful. Make a plan and stick to it for two weeks to start!

Families That Stick Togather Podcast

Real families cheering each other on in real life. Let’s grow, friend.



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