EP 158 | Stop the Stressful Parenting Situations and Become More CALM and PATIENT. 1 SIMPLE Perspective Change From Conscious Parenting Coach ASHLEY SELING

“‘In the moment’ is always hard for moms. Being able to talk through situations that are stressful with someone are really helpful for having a plan going forward.”

Ever feel like you wish you could have a do-over on the parenting moment you just had? OR you wish you could just have a few more tools to handle your child with more patience and calm when the stressful conflict or tantrum happens? Ashley Seling, Conscious Parenting Coach, shares with us how being more confident as a parent naturally leads to more patience with our children. And when we have more patience, we have a more happy and peaceful home. We multiply strong communication, we notice our children's triggers, and we work on ourself and our own self care and emotional, physical and spiritual well-being. And we all know "happy mom" equals "happy home". Let's gain the tools to become more calm and patient moms - even when it is hard. 

Let's grow,


Connect with Ashley:

Freebie link: 11 Encouraging Phrases to Say When Your Child Cries https://ashleyseling.com/crying
Calm Moms: Parenting with Patience and Confidence community:

Email: hello@ashleyseling.com
IG: www.instagram.com/ashleyseling
FB: https://www.facebook.com/ashley.seling/


Join our PRIVATE Families That Stick Togather Moms group over on Facebook, "Strong and Faith-Filled Families For Today's Mom" where we share with one another about this episode and go on this journey of motherhood in today's world TOGETHER. Join us HERE!


  • Steps that need to be taken to get to “calm and confident”

    • Notice how you are showing up and what is actually bringing you joy in the moment

      • If we are feeling unfulfilled, we won’t show up as the calm and confident mom we want to be.

  • Are you living your life too fast-paced that you are missing the chance to take care of yourself?

  • Happy homes and happy childhoods really start with the emotional, physical, spiritual well-being of mom. 

    • Then we are able to pour from a full cup. 

    • It is hard to give when we feel so drained.

    • Sometimes we can’t always have the “full cup” because our motherhood journey is so much about sacrificial giving.

    • When your cup can’t always be full, you need to draw on the tools you have learned. 

  • Know what causes your child to “act out” so that you as mom can react the way that is most loving and most effective for your family.

    • Think of these triggers in the same way as you parent to your child and his or her “love language”. Understand them and know how to speak to them within your child’s everyday actions, words, and habits. 

    • Evaluate if you may be speaking to your child using the wrong “trigger”.

  • What is underneath why your child is acting out?

  • Be aware of understanding and speaking to your child’s triggers or love language.

  • Parenting our children in stressful situations and using boundaries

    • A boundary is meant to be kind, but also firm.

      • We don’t give in, we stay firm on what we stand for 

      • Set proper expectations before the new situation starts

      • Communicate the rules ahead of time to set everyone up to have a good time

    • The goal is having a mutual understanding

    • Set rules, follow through with them, and follow through with whatever rule has been pre-determined. 

  • How do we hold our boundaries in different seasons as our children grow and have different needs?

    • Be tuned into your emotional well-being.

    • Whatever you set, be confident you can stay true to that without changing it midway or not follow through

  • “When a mom has that extra boost of confidence, she’s more patient naturally.”

  • We need to notice our own triggers as parents because many times it’s something that we need to revisit from our own childhood or just something that we need to be aware of and really work on.

Final Togather™ Thought…

What is a trigger that you know can set off your child and thus cause you to react without patience?

When you notice this trigger affecting your child, take a deep breath and handle the situation by speaking to this trigger.

Families That Stick Togather Podcast

Real families cheering each other on in real life. Let’s grow, friend.



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