Episode 5 | World Kindness Begins with our FAMILY
Want a world that chooses kindness? Step by step: your strong family FIRST. With JENNIFER ZUMBIEL
Everyone wants a world that chooses kindness. But you’ve been doing it all along. So it must be that other people have the problem, right? Maybe so and that’s why it’s up to US. You and me and the other families who are working overtime to build that kindness at home FIRST and make sure we raise our crew to make a mark on the world.
The world is counting on us. Let’s do this.
Brene Brown says: “Compassion is not a virtue. It is a commitment. It’s not something we have or don’t have. It’s something we choose to practice.”
Kindness will only be chosen when empathy and compassion are understood, practiced, and chosen.
4 EASY ways to strengthen this in your daily life and interactions at home:
1. Become a pro at LISTENING
Practice ACTIVE listening
Use the “Stop, Drop, and Fold” method
2. Be an expert at asking questions
Be thoughtful
Show you recognize them and their feelings
Use Togather™ stickers!
3. Share personal stories to let them know you understand
I know you’re a pro at this one already!
4. Don’t make assumptions
Evaluate the situation before drawing a conclusion
And 5 SIMPLE things to easily add to your REAL life that will translate your family’s empathy/compassion/kindness to your REAL community.
Intentionally -or unintentionally- place yourself in a new place with new people.
Schedule a time to volunteer.
Set high moral standards as a family and practice them.
Bring in the 4 things you are already practicing at home. Make everyone of these action steps teachable using good listening and conversation practices.
Choose books, movies, shows, songs with a purpose. Make these things you are already doing/using teaching moments.
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